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Assigning UID and GID to eG

How to assign specific UID and GID for eG installation accounts in Linux?

Best Answer

Modify the eG install scripts (iManager_Linux, iAgent_linux) to use the Group and User on specific IDs.

Sample commands are given below, to add the Group & User using the ID 700

/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 700 $groupName

/usr/sbin/useradd -G $groupName -g $groupName -u 700 -d $userHome/egurkha $userName 

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Modify the eG install scripts (iManager_Linux, iAgent_linux) to use the Group and User on specific IDs.

Sample commands are given below, to add the Group & User using the ID 700

/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 700 $groupName

/usr/sbin/useradd -G $groupName -g $groupName -u 700 -d $userHome/egurkha $userName 

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