Directory Monitoring
Modified on: Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 1:46 PM
The Directory Test monitors one or more directories on a server.
- In the test configuration page, enable the Directory test for the component.

- After enabling the test, configure the Directory test for monitoring.

Configuration of Directory Test The Directory Test monitors one or more directories on a server. The default parameters associated with this test are as follows: - The TEST PERIOD list box helps the user to decide how often this test needs to be executed.
- In the HOST text box, the host name of the server for which the test is to be configured has to be specified.
- The port number to which the server is listening is to be provided in the PORT text box.
- In the TARGETDIRS text box, specify
- The RECURSIVE flag indicates if the test must check the target directories recursively or not. If this flag is set to TRUE, then all the sub-directories of each target directory are also checked.
- If multiple components of the same component type are awaiting configuration, then an APPLY TO OTHER COMPONENTS check box will appear in this page. Clicking on this check box will allow you to apply the configuration to all/selected components of that type.
- Once the necessary values have been provided, clicking on the UPDATE button will register the changes made.
When changing the configuration for specific servers, a “*” beside the text box corresponding to the parameter signifies that these values have to be manually configured by the user. The parameter values that require to be configured will typically be prefixed with a “$” or contain a series of “*”. A value of "none" in the parameter value indicates that the corresponding parameter value can be changed if required. |
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