Please follow the below instruction to turn ON the log files on the Solaris agent server.
Login to the
eG Agent host, using the eG user (egurkha)
Stop the eG
Agent, using the command
To enable the
debug, open /opt/egurkha/bin, then
using the command vi starta and Search for EgMainAgent',
Redirect the
process and error log to respective files (default value is /dev/null) as
agentout and agenterr.
Then start the
agent, using the command “/opt/egurkha/bin/start_agent”.
After 40
minutes, Stop the eG Agent, using the command “/opt/egurkha/bin/stop_agent”
Now using
winscp or filezilla, take a copy of the file error_log, agentout and agenterr
located on the path “/opt/egurkha/agent/logs” and send the log files to the eG
technical team
To disable the
debug, open /opt/egurkha/bin, then using the command vi starta , Search for
'EgMainAgent' and redirect the process and error log to respective files to
/dev/null as before
Start the
agent, using the command “/opt/egurkha/bin/start_agent”.