Steps for migrating the eG manager database to a new database.
1. Stop the eG manager and the eG agent using the Windows menu option and take a backup of the entire egurkha folder. (Copy the entire egurkha folder) For Example C:\eGurkha. Then rename the folder.
2. Take a backup of the database.
3. Go to <<eG Install Directory>>\eGurkha\manager\config folder and open a file called eg_db.ini.
For Example: \eGurkha\manager\config\eg_db.ini
4. Under [DB_PROPERTIES] you could see the database name, database username, and password.
For Example:
sql.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://sqldb:1433/EGDB - (sqldb: DB hostname/IP, EGDB- eG DB Name)
sql.user=eguser - (eguser: Database Username)
sql.password=1D848230E48195BF8E8DA45A4A9D04A9 - (Encrypted Database user password)
5. Create the same eG Database username, and password in the new DB
6. Make sure the Database user in the new DB has all the privileges similar to the Database user in the old DB.
7. Now export the Database from the old DB then import the same Database in the new DB and associate the Database username to the Database.
8. Once done, go to the Go to <<eG Install Directory>>\eGurkha\manager\config folder and open eg_db.ini. Under [DB_PROPERTIES] remove the old database server hostname/IP to a new one.
9. Finally, start the eG manager.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with your eG Technical support engineer for more assistance.