Please find the below step to convert eG Manager from using non-SSL to SSL protocol
- Stop the eG Manager and Agent.
- Open the command prompt as an administrator, go to <eg_installed folder>\lib and run the command "notepad start_manager.bat"
- Find the eG Manager url. Change the http to https. Also, change the default port number to a different port number because eG cant use same port user for non-SSL. Hence here i change the port number to 8443
- Then save the file.
- Next open the command prompt as an administrator, go to egurkha\manager\tomcat\config\ and run the command "notepad server.xml"
- Find and locate the name Coyote (marked in red) as given in the below image.
- Here the <!- - symbol at the beginning of the block (i.e., just below the Define header), and the --> symbol at the end of the block, as depicted by image below represent commented lines (i.e.) those line are marked as commented.
- We are converting the eG Manager from non-SSL to SSL, hence as given in the below screenshot, add the commented symbol (<!- - &--> ) at the beginning and ending of the non-SSL Coyote.
- Likewise remove the commented symbol (<!- - &--> ) from the beginning and ending of the SSL Coyote,
- Then change the different port number for the SSL as given in the below screenshot. Here is change it to same port number 8443 as i provided on the start_manager.bat file
- Start the eG Manager and Agent.
- Stop the eG manager before starting the procedure and start the eG manager after the procedure.
- When you configure the eG manager to use SSL then all the eG Agent have to configured to SSL.
- To edit the eG Agent configuration to change the SSL or non SSL, click here.